Friday, February 9, 2018

To Learn To Read Is To Light A Fire

What gift as humans we receive from the world is the gift of literacy. The ability to read gives us a more in depth understanding of what all possibilities are through interpretations. According to The Washington Post our President that is barely over a year into office has shared that his daily briefings that are written out for him are "not his style of learning." This article itself is a hoot. President Trump would rather hear a person speak to him with his eyes rolling back instead of his eyes going left to right. Honestly, when his daily briefings are spoken, the only thing that can possible happen is selective hearing. We all have it. We either do not want to hear truth about ourselves, or we tend to only listen to what is truly important in a class... That said, if Trump is not reading his Briefings there is a great chance that when he's being spoken to, he would not have a way of fully remembering it. It only makes sense if he has had the time and patience to read the documents, he would have a more prepared way of speaking and actually reference what he has read to sound a smidge (yes, a smidge) smarter. To sum things up why not use a quote? "He that loves reading has everything within his reach." William Godwin. Information is what progresses everything.

stage 6

Now when we hear a wall in our current era, we think of Trump's plan to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. ITS BOLOGNA. ...