Thursday, May 10, 2018

Blog stage 4

Should our religious beliefs interfere with what should run our country? The answer to that is.. NO. There is a reason why we have the church separated from the state. Would you want to live in Puritan times where opinions are oppressed and a sin is equivalent to committing a felony? NO. With this post by Amy Sullivan, she speaks on behalf of a majority of democrats. The stereotype of a republican is a White person that is 99% religious and wants what is "best" for their country. But democrats are people, too. Just because someone believes in something completely different does not absolutely mean that they don't have a say in opinion, right? This post does talk about Trump... But how stereotypical he is by revealing how he is religious, but contradicts himself with his actions not only toward women, but everyone in general. Just because someone identifies as a republican it does not mean they are always a "good Christian," but democrats have the same identity too. I guess what this post is about is why put a label on someone when we can forget what we believe in and invest in what we need to do as humans to really make this place the "dream" country everyone wants to be in. I know religion is a touchy subject because there are still places in our country that will hide behind the bible to argue that their point is right. But let's be real here, I can guarantee those kinds of people who hide behind biblical verses saying homosexuality is a sin and pot is from Satan himself, are wearing polyester right now breaking something against the bible... It is unfortunate but I believe that if we were to truly remove our religious beliefs in office, we can have a calmer way of thinking and a set agenda to really get our country in the right place.  

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stage 6

Now when we hear a wall in our current era, we think of Trump's plan to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. ITS BOLOGNA. ...