Friday, March 30, 2018

Trump is Nasty

For someone who leads our country, our president Donald J. Trump sure sets a double standard against himself. His actions toward women and they way he speaks about them is not okay. At least in my opinion. Many were outraged with his comment "grab 'em by the pussy" because that is very vulgar and disgusting. Just because a man that is wealthy and has had everything basically handed to him through his parent's money, does not have the right to degrade women. Women have fought hard to obtain women's rights. Many have spoken against Trump with his inappropriate behavior against him, but one woman stood out to me. The big family man who loves Melania and his child has had an affair with a former Playboy Bunny Karen McDougal. She came out publicly about the affair and apologized to Melania. Let's go back a bit and talk about Melania. The First Lady of our country right now, a woman who basically has defended her husband through all the rumors and stood by his side, and not to forget SHE REMINDED HIM TO COVER HIS HEART THROUGH THE NATIONAL ANTHEM.... She honestly is what keeps Donald grounded and look his best when people are watching, but with this scandal; how could someone have an affair with his wife? Honestly I think it is extremely low for Donald Trump to think about something like that. I get it, a former playmate could be another tally for the President, but for the sake of anything... Why disrespect women who you don't even love? Or disrespect someone you do "love?'' To me I do not find him as someone to look up to, not even for a business aspect, either. Even though the affair occurred before he was in office, Melania is still with him today.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

My critique on a commentary from a National Newspaper

In our present time America has relied heavily on social media. Thanks to the Obama administration because our citizens can know more about what the Government labels as information. In the Washington post How the American government is trying to control what you think John Hamilton and Kevin Kosar argue what we really get from the government (information wise). Before the Obama administration, there were a lot of uncertainties of what we really know about what is going on. For example in 2015 with the Taxpayers Transparencies act, it would force many agencies to report their ads as a Government produced ad. A majority of the time it would not be mentioned showing the control that government wants to have on everyone. I see it as a way of a form of propaganda in the sense we always do not know what the government is funding to get Americans to think the way they want. I completely agree with the authors because they provided instances in history of scandals that needed to be exposed to show what we take in as "information" or "advocacy". This commentary is intended for the public of course, but especially the citizens who are actively looking for a way to expose all government "secrets" in a sense to really crack down what goes on behind the scenes of our government.

stage 6

Now when we hear a wall in our current era, we think of Trump's plan to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. ITS BOLOGNA. ...