Friday, April 27, 2018

Commentary #2

As citizens a vast majority of us break the law in a number of ways, but when you're a powerful politician or someone of high status; scheming or having a scandal is something that can tear their career apart. Senator Robert Mendez has been "chastised" for receiving gifts from a Doctor and by using his position of senator of New Jersey he's been promoting the doctor through personal and financial interest. I mean I guess it is not a crime to receive nice luxury gifts but to do it for self interest and not report all gifts received to the senate committee that does sound serious. To compare to a normal person, we see that as a drastic crime but if a regular citizen was caught doing something behind backs of many it would not be blown up to the proportion of a person of higher status. It shows that in our modern day society that we tend to seek out "drama" from people who are considered leaders. It's like a form of reality T.V. in the sense we strive off anyone's imperfections to make us feel better. Everyone is human and we are prone to mistakes, but to learn from them is what separates the grown ups from the children. What makes us different than politicians? Well the only difference is how well we all can fake smile and who would enforce change rather than just wanting it. Honestly everyone makes mistakes and a majority do not learn from them, but would they be human if they were perfect?

stage 6

Now when we hear a wall in our current era, we think of Trump's plan to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. ITS BOLOGNA. ...