Friday, May 4, 2018

Commentary on a classmates blog stage 8

What does the United States of America really think of Abortion? Well in today's sense we all have our opinions on it. According to this post it should be legal. I agree with that statement one hundred percent. I as a male cannot imagine carrying a child for 9 months but if it is not by choice then a woman has every right to do what she wants with it. It is inside of her. Women need a space for them to have the procedure done. Not only do they need the space, but it really needs to be covered by insurance to help them out if they cannot afford it. The unfortunate reality is if a woman is raped and bears a child, should she keep it? IT IS NOT MY PLACE TO SAY, it is completely up to her because she did not ask for anything to happen like that. Yes blame a woman's poor choice in clothing and makeup for some man to come up and basically attack her. It's a double standard for women. If the tables were turned on men and men had to carry a baby for 9 months I can guarantee that abortion would have been legal way back when. We need to give women in need the chance to live their life how they want to. They are also citizens of our country so why not help them out?

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stage 6

Now when we hear a wall in our current era, we think of Trump's plan to build a wall between Mexico and the United States. ITS BOLOGNA. ...